Sunday, June 28, 2009

Don't scare your Momma like that anymore!

Well...I had a little scare on Saturday. I noticed Naaman Jack had been moving less than normal for a few days. So...just in time for the weekend...I had myself all worked up with no doctor to talk to. I called the on-call nurse and she told me to drink a coke or something with sugar in it and head to Triage at the hospital. Of course Brad was out of town on one of his many work trips so I was pretty darn freaked out and had to drive myelf. I downed a V-8 fusion and drove as fast as I safely could. Once I got tears, out of breath, and barely able to speak, one of the nurses immediately hooked me up to the monitor so I could hear my sweet baby boy's heart beat. God is SO good!!! Turns out everything is okay and he is looking good. The boy just decided to take a few days to sleep and grow I suppose?

Here is the belly at 30 weeks...only 10 weeks to go!

Brad decided he wanted to go on a walk one hot, hot summer evening. We packed up the dogs and drove to a nearby park so they could run around leash-less. It was SO stinking hot! We left the house at about 6:30...the temperature outside still a steamy 99 degrees...what was he thinking? And with his pregnant wife in tow?! I will say I was not the only one exhausted and overheated by the time we finished...both dogs slept like champs all night!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

26 weeks...and GROWING!!!

Here is where your Dad gets the name "Brat"ley. I was in the kitchen fixing a very delicious dinner one night...minding my own business...when in he pops and snaps these very revealing shots of you growing in my belly...sometimes he's such a BRAT! For some reason, I have a feeling these pictures will come back to haunt me one day...that's okay, you GROW Naaman Jack!!!