Saturday, April 24, 2010

Par...better yet, how about a Birdie?

Today we took Naaman Jack out to the golf course. He had an absolute BLAST!!! His favorite part was riding in the golf cart. He would wave his arms and kick his feet...all while squealing in delight. Looks like we have another golfer in the family!!! I can't wait for Si Si to start teaching him how to play...we LOVE that he'll be learning from the best!

Friday, April 23, 2010


So...I am completely OBSESSED with the Texas Bluebonnets! I heart them in a big way!!! I could hardly wait for them to come up this year. I had quite the interesting time trying to take Naaman's picture in a field full of them...

Here comes the fun is about this time that Naaman started getting bored just "sitting" in the Bluebonnets...

Here he is reaching down to grab one...

Still playing with cute! He just kept touching it and looking at his finger and then touching it again...then looking at his finger...not real sure what his Mama had put him up to!

Here goes...

...yep, you guessed the mouth it went! Seriously?!? I can't even get him to eat peaches, but he'll eat a Texas wildflower???

Sunday, April 18, 2010

HE IS RISEN!!! Happy Easter!

Isn't Spring great? I LOVE it...the weather is starting to warm up, flowers are blooming, the days are longer...and we get to celebrate Easter!!! I am in awe of our GREAT God who gave his only Son to die for our sins. Easter is such a special time...knowing Jesus is risen and that he will come again!

We had a fun time this year for Naaman's first Easter. We went to Easter Eve service with some special friends, The Herlevic's. Afterwards we headed to Lily's Bistro for some dinner. On Easter Sunday we went to spend time with some great friends at the Pruitt's house for their second annual Easter Egg Hunt.

I wanted Naaman to get another use out of his SUPER cute Easter outfit, so I took him to the Botanic Gardens to try and get some pictures...however, as you can see, my sweet boy wasn't so interested in looking at the camera and smiling...

He was NOT a big fan of sitting in the grass. He really did not like it at all...

He liked the bench better than the itchy grass!

There's that smile! Of course, he was sitting in my lap and I was tickling the daylights out of him...

I changed him into something a little more comfortable to try and loosen him up a bit...I even put him on this really nice, soft you can see...still no smiles for Mama!!!

He was pooped after all that fuss I was making trying to get him to smile...

At home in the AC after a long nap...MUCH happier!

The little stinker was FULL...I mean FULL of smiles once we got home!!!

Do you think it's too early for me to give him candy? After all, he is 7 months old now...

Our first Easter as a family of three! I remember last year's first annual Easter egg hunt at the Pruitt's...I was about 4 months pregnant with little Naaman...that was special, but this year was better...we LOVED being able to spend it with our precious BUNDLE OF JOY!

Naaman would not let go of his eggs...he LOVED playing with them and thought he was one of the big kids!!! Slow down little one...we know you'll be out there with the rest of them soon enough!

My favorite guys...

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my sweet boy!!!

This picture pretty much sums it all up...he's not a fan of sitting in the grass!!!

Oh...I got my eggs, I think I'm okay now!

He's still not so sure about this whole grass thing...

5, 6, and 7 months...

Wow! So...I'm really bad about this whole blog thing. I keep thinking that one day I'll get better at it...but that has yet to happen! Since I skipped a 5 and 6 month update, I decided I'd just combine it with his 7 month update! A LOT has happened in Naaman's world since I last filled you in...

*Naaman started sitting up at 5 1/2's the cutest thing EVER!!! He is so proud of himself and just looks at you and smiles when he does it all by himself!
*His eyes are still blue...can you believe it? We still have NO idea where they came from...but we sure do LOVE them and hope they stay that way!
*His personality just keeps growing and developing. He has started really letting us know what he wants...AND what he doesn't want for that matter.
*Of course he is still happy and content most of the time. Our favorite is when he does his full belly laugh...which happens to be pretty much all the time right now...LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it! It really is intoxicating...and sometimes we make him laugh so much he makes himself sick! Not on purpose of course, but we just can't help ourselves...we want him to laugh 24/7!!!
*We tried solid foods at 6 months and are still unsuccessful. The boy only wants his milk! We started with avocado, then tried green beans, carrots, peaches and now we have back tracked a bit and are trying rice ceral. We thought maybe he just wanted to feed himself and tried some sweet potato puffs...but he does everything BUT eat the puffs! Baby steps...we'll just keep on trying...
*Mr. Naaman still does not have any teeth...but he is DEFINITELY working on cutting some. Anything and EVERYTHING is in his mouth! We think maybe he will get some top teeth before the bottom.
*He had his first ear infection at 6 1/2 months...saddest thing EVER! He woke up one night screaming uncontrollably and would not calm down. NOTHING...and I mean nothing would soothe him.

And now for the good are the pics!!!

This was the first time he sat up all by himself! Brad and I were SO excited. We were screaming and carrying can tell he was proud of himself too...

He LOVES sitting up!!!

This was our first attempt with solid food. We tried avocado but it was definitely a no go! He just closed his mouth and turned his head...Brad and I did everything we could to keep from was hysterical! When we finally did get a taste in his mouth he TOTALLY gagged and spit up...

We have tried a number of other beans, carrots, peaches and finally rice cereal...which seems to be his favorite thus far...

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the way my little Sugar Love Muffin sleeps...SO STINKING CUTE!!!

Naaman in his Jump-A-Roo...

Brad and Naaman often have "guy" time during Naaman's bath. Since he has been sitting up so well...Brad decided it was time to get rid of his bath sling and just let him sit in the water like a big was a HUGE hit! Naaman was laughing and screaming and splashing...he really was having a great time. He made one big mess by the time it was all over with too...but it's just water, right?!?

Naaman and Jeb having some tummy time together...

I HEART this face! My sister (Si Si) was over and he was getting really he kept laughing and scrunching his eyebrows and closing his eyes while he was doing it...FUNNY boy!

Friday, April 16, 2010

I LOVE him, I LOVE him, I LOVE him!!!

One of my ALL time favorite pictures of Naaman Jack...

Is that a sweet face...or what???

So serious...