Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Santa Rosa Beach with Aunt Lolo and Wyatt!

Oh how I LOVE the beach! This year we went to Florida with Laura and Wyatt. We had a blast, even though it rained EVERY day!!! Naaman wasn't too sure of the sand at first but once we got him used to it he was having a ball playing with cousin Wyatt!

Still not so sure about this whole sand thing...

He was much happier once we put him on the boogie board...he did NOT like the way the sand felt! He takes after his Momma!!!

He had so much fun with the buckets. He would put sand in them and then dump all the water out and tell us when he wanted us to refill his bucket...

Here we go...FINALLY touching the sand. Once he realized it was fun to play with...he was going to town! He put it in his mouth, in his pants, he started throwing it...the possibilities were endless!!!

Part of our day usually consited of some time being bound to the beach house. It rained pretty much every day we were there. Wyatt and Naamz didn't mind though...

...and he found the stairs. It didn't take him long at all! He was constantly wanting to climb up them and even fell a few times. I am really glad we don't have stairs to worry about at home!

Brad and Aunt Lolo didn't waste any time being inside. They took the party outside, rain or shine! Here you will notice their coffee cups. They each started out the say with a Baileys and coffee then moved onto Mimosas...and at about 11:00 a.m. they started onto beer...FUN TIMES!!!

The night before we left, we went out for a delicious seafood dinner in Seaside...for those of you movie buffs, that is where they filmed The Truman Show.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Happy 4th Birthday Kamryn!

We had a blast helping Kam celebrate her birthday this year. It was at ASI gymnastics...and Naamz didn't waste ANY time, he got right to playing the minute we got there!

Here we go...

He wanted to do it again and again...

Although...he did prefer climbing up the slide rather than sliding down!

With his future girlfriend...Jett Valentina (LOVE her rockstar name by the way)!

They LOVED playing inside this circular mat...wish I had one of these at home so I could keep him in the same spot for longer than a minute!!!

...and this here is either right before, or right after, Naaman got through kissig Jett ON THE LIPS! Yep, that's right...we start 'em early around here!

Brad kept missing catching Naaman kissing Jett on camera...all we have are the before and afters!

I think they would have stayed in here ALL day...

Naaman standing all by himself for the first time!!!

Naamz wanted to participate in what all the other kids were doing...notice how he is turned around not paying attention to the teacher AT ALL...ha, ha! I hope this is not an indicator of what is to come when he starts school in a few years.

There we go...that's better, at least now he is facing the right direction!

Getting lots of tickles from Aunt Kris...

And here is the 4 year old Princess Kamryn herself!!! Cute, cute, cute!

...and check out her awesome pink castle cake, which Jenn made herself!

Monday, August 2, 2010


Our sweet friends, The Harvey's, invited Naaman over for lunch and a playdate. Adrienne made spinach lasagna and a lemon-blueberry tiramisu that was TO DIE FOR!!! Yum! Naamz had a blast playing with their adorable kiddos, Jake and Ava. Jake is 2 and kept saying, "he's precious" about Naaman. It was the cutest thing EVER! It took us forever to figure out what he was trying to say!!!

LOVE this pic...

How cute is this? This was waiting for us as we entered into the playroom...

His first time playing with Lego's...AND he loved them! Aunt Lolo and Aunt Pootey got him some for his birthday...

Naaman and Jake playing so sweet together...Naaman was all about sharing on this particular day!

Chasing Jake to get to his toy...

...and he got it!!!

Climbing up the slide to get Jake

Definitely time for a water break...thanks Jakey!

...and we can't forget baby sister, Ava...ADORABLE!