Friday, January 8, 2010

Sorry for the delay...Naaman Jack is 4 months old!!!

It is SO hard to keep up to date with this whole blog thing! Naaman Jack is 4 months old and is just as cute and smiley as he can be. We are so blessed with such a great baby! He is sleeping through the night and really only fusses when he is tired or hungry...

*At his 4 month check-up he weighed 13 pounds, 2 ounces...keep on growing Little Man!
*He is quite the active one these days. He spends hours just lying on the ground kicking his feet and talking or screaming in delight!!!
*He started rolling over...first he rolled from his stomach to his back and then he rolled from his back to his stomach. It's CRAZY how proud we are of him!
*His eyes are still AMAZINGLY blue! We LOVE them and keep wondering when they are going to change. We're pretty certain they won't stay blue since no one in either of our families has blue eyes!
*He loves "standing" up...with some assistance of course...
*He is reaching for anything and EVERYTHING!!! If we have something in our hands he wants it!
*Naaman Jack still loves his fingers and thumbs in his mouth. He is always sucking on them...and does a very good job of keeping them in his mouth when we try to pull them out. The little guy has one strong grasp!
*Oh how he LOVES his feet! He puts them in his mouth and sucks on his cute little toes at every opportunity. Bath time and diaper changes are his favorite because he gets free range of his those tootsie's!!!
*He is pretty much OBSESSED with water...he laughs and squeals every time I turn on the faucet!!! He LOVES bath time and thinks he's getting one when he sees and hears the is so stinking cute!
*Our Little Man knows what he wants...and he sure has a way of letting us know! It's been so fun watching his little personality develop...

As you can see...he loves putting those feet in his mouth! It's so funny...when I change his diaper he gets upset when I have to put his feet down to fasten it...he always wants to chew on those toes!

Now this is one of my all-time favorite pictures...Naaman LOVES to put his hands over his eyes when he goes to sleep...I just had to catch this on camera...I know before long he won't be doing it any more...I think it's SUPER cute!!!

Our sweet boy with those big, bright, BLUE eyes...

I LOVE this picture...Naaman Jack already knows how to "ham it up" for the camera...

My two most FAVORITE guys...

Passed out on Si Si...

My office, Virginia Cook Realtors, had our first annual "Pictures with Santa" this year. We had a blast. Naaman LOVED sitting on Santa's lap!!! We had lots of friends come out for the occasion too...The Pruitt's, The Herlevic's, The Britting's, The Zavala's, and The Riccetti's...

Naaman is really beginning to like the Baby Bjorn...Yay!

Grandma and Grandpa came with Uncle John and Aunt Hope to visit after Thanksgiving. Thought this was a great snapshot of how our weekend was...nice and relaxing!

1 comment:

  1. hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....
